Workshop Archiv

The workshop archive contains selected workshop models to which I have been invited in previous years.

Le Pas d' Acier
Le Pas d'Acier

Kick Off in the Forest 

Whenever it is possible, I try to combine my choreographic work with the gifts that nature offers us. The dance project "Le Pas d'Acier" is an example of this and started at the Wuppertal Opera House in the Burgholz Nature Park. Over several weekends we initially met in small groups and began with exercises in raising awareness and perception. It was only when we started rehearsing on stage that everyone finally came together and became an ensemble. The first task was for everyone to hand in their smartphones. Only then could the journey begin. 

Listening to the sounds of nature, practising mindful ness, listening to silence, being alone with oneself and not asking for assistance as one tries to orientate oneself. For many people being in the nature is a challenge in itself, as they are unfamiliar with the environment and the tasks they need to perform. The experience gained however is important for their development as dancers and improves their endurance, concentration and ability to work within a team. 

The ability to focus in dance begins with an honest appraisal of oneself, by accepting a new challenge, in giving oneself and others space for new experiences. It’s like looking into a fire with the question: What are you burning for?

AGJF Saxony / escape to the comfort zone
Escape into the Comfort Zone

AGJF Sachsen / 06.06 - 08.06. 2016
Escape into the Comfort Zone Experiential education methods for intercultural work

Youth welfare services are facing new challenges to create successful relationships with refugees and to help them assimilate effectively. To succeed, it is essential to confront oneself with some questions. What scares me, and what concerns do I have with these unfamiliar meetings?

The children and teenagers arrive from stressful situations, and have to live with the consequences of traumatisation as well as having to cope with uncertainty. The therapeutic concept of the "comfort zone" can give help us understand what the young refugees need and how the work differs from the standard youth care practices.

Aim and contents of the seminar: - Design of pedagogical care work based on the understanding of experiential therapeutic models and attitudes - Developing and reviewing suitable settings for the pedagogical work - Reflection on the individual’s experience gained from the seminar Methods: Experience-oriented methods from experiential and play pedagogy using the media of fire, dance and movement. Info and registration: Seminar leaders: Andrea Scholz, Josef Eder

Info and registration:

seminar leader: Andrea Scholz, Josef Eder

Europe Cantat Pésc 2015
Europa Cantat in Pécs / Hungary
24.07. - 04.08. 2015

Discovery Ateliers Euopa Cantat is an annual international youth choir festival that always takes place in another country. With Yoshi Kinoshta I was already in Bonn in 2010, and now in Hungary, where we are invited to a joint project. 

The group consists of young people from all over Europe, among others my first meeting with Anne-Marie Cabut and young people from "La cigale de Lyon", with whom I have been able to work regularly in France since then. 

Choir directors and singers from all over the world were present at the "Be in the moment" workshop. We were able to present our work on how to combine movement and sound. 

"Be in the moment - Be creative - Be present" 
Using improvisation with the voice and the body. Let's try to experience our own presence. 

Workschop with Jozef Eder (DE) and Yoshihisa Matthias Kinoshta (DE) 

Moving Wild
"Moving Wild" 
Dance studio das Corujas / Portugal 
30. July - August 10, 2012 

Spend some relaxing and active days in the beautiful north of Portugal. On the organic farm of "Dominio Vale do Mondego" you can enjoy the farm’s recently harvested olives, fresh sheep's cheese and home-made wine as well as immersing yourself in the simplicity of life in the countryside in one of the most beautiful places in Portugal.

At the Moving Wild workshop, you are invited to contemplate and appreciate the pristine, rugged environment of the Serra da Estrella Natural Park. Time to experiment, find your balance, let go, enjoy, marvel, share and transform.

Within the framework of the "Fishing Festival", the elaborated "Work in Progress" climaxes with a unique performance on a natural stage with live music. (Text Flyer)

To register: 
then click on the link "Tanzatelier das Corujas, then on appointments

Educo Africa
Educo Africa / Workshops

Workshops / Lecture I was invited by Wiebke Nedel from Educo Africa, to travel to Cape Town in February 2016. Aside from two one-week outdoor trainings in the "Groot Winterhoek Mountains", I held several workshops and a lecture for streetworkers in the townships. The experience left a lasting impact and I have written about my time there in the pdf below.
February / March 2012 

Lectures and workshops Capetown
06. February to March 31, 2012 

The experience left a lasting impact and I have written about my time there in the pdf below. 

PDF download here

Into the wild
Into the Wild
Grow inside, act outside!  

Workshop: "Dance and Nature"
International experiential education conference in Saxony  
09 - 13 December 2013

It has long been an interest of mine to work closely with the body and nature. The workshop "Dance and Nature" is an experiment. Starting with everyday themes, the participants allow themselves to be guided and led in their movement by the elements and forces of nature. Small choreographies are created with everyone bringing part of their experience back to the fire without using words.
high floor

Lecture 2011 Aesthetics & Resonance 

Topic: Resource Orientation – A commitment to beauty, in the context of the workshop "Systemic Experiential Education

At planoalto in 2002 – when it was led by Hans Peter Hufenus and Habiba Kreszmeier - I began working closely with nature, which I had sorely missed in the theatre. Above all, the systemic attitude in the way of leading groups has had a lasting influence on me and has significantly changed how I work with dance and movement. In many projects, the work of "creative ritual process design" is an essential part of the artistic processes.
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